Tuesday 16 August 2016

SUMIF Function : How to use SUMIF Formula in Excel

Hello Everyone, Today you'll find How to use SUMIF Function in Excel. SUMIF Function used to add the specified cells based on the single or multiple supplied criteria. Sometimes we require conditional sum in Excel then we can use this function to add all numbers in a particularly given range. SUMIF function based on the three-parameter- range, criteria, and sum_range. Every parameter has own functionality and also depends on SUMIF multiple criteria.

SUMIF Function Syntax

The SUMIF Function in Excel has the following syntax:
=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)
  • Range: The range of cells calculated by criteria. It is required entity mean required for the function to work. Cells in every range must be numbers, names, arrays, references that include numbers and not contain blank and text value.
  • Criteria: Criteria is a condition that must be met for a cell and it is also required entity. The criteria should be a number, expression, cell reference, text or function. It can be simple or multiple criteria. 
  • Sum_range: sum_range is the range of cells that sum together. It is optional means, not a mandatory entity. If you skip this entity then uses range as a sum_range. 

How to Use SUMIF Function

Excel SUMIF Function used to calculate the sum of the cells in a range that be specified under certain criteria.  Here we'll discuss this function with an example of the sales table.
                                 SUMIF function, SUMIF formula, SUMIF multiple criteria, SUMIF data range
If you want to find the total sold quantity from above table then you can simply find using SUM function like =SUM(B6:B11) and get the result is 26. But you want to calculate total sales amount with criteria that you want to add all sales amount where the sales quantity is 5 and greater than 5. For that we need to remind three things:
  • The first requirement is the range. In this example, the first requirement is B18:B23 and we have the range of sold quantity of every day. It will check if they meet the criteria.
  • The second parameter is criteria or user condition like we want to add all sales amount where the sales quantity is greater and greater than 5. For this example, the second parameter is ">=5".
  • The third requirement is sum_range. In this example, the third parameter is C18:C23. SUMIF function adds all the sales amount in C18:C23 range if meet the criteria.
After applying SUMIF formula in excel worksheet, it returns the outcomes 2140 means the total sales amount is 2140 where the sales quantity is greater than or equal to 5.

Thus, in this post, you learn How to use SUMIF Formula in Excel. We hope you'll like this post. If you like this article then you can share with your friends, colleagues, and your relatives. We'll update the information on the regular basis. You can also share this post on facebook, twitter, Instagram or other social media website. If you have any query regarding this post then you can freely write in the comment section. We'll inform you as soon as possible.

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