Wednesday 28 September 2016

How to Create a Sparklines In Excel 2010

Hello everyone, Today we'll discuss how to Create a Sparklines or Mini Chart in Excel. A sparkline is a tool/cell  that provides the visual(graphically) representation of data. Excel 2010 Sparklines is used to represent the data (a data which were taken in a rows or column ) creating a new cell (in row or column) and provides the tiny graph for each row or column to analyze the  data and highlights the data values to create a sparklines we need to organize data in a rows or column. It is used to show trends in a series of values, such as seasonal decreases or increases, economics cycles and to highlights a maximum or minimum values of the Excel Sparklines chart have different charts and each chart has its own advantages. This tutorial helps you how to create the sparklines in various types different data and create a chart by using it.

Create a Sparklines | Inline-chart 

Sparklines are small, lightweight graph, that fits into a single cell .when we represent our data in a graphically form or chart form we need to organize data in a rows or column, it is easily understood and it clearly shows the lowest or highest point,economically we discuss some point about the chart.So,here we understand how to create sparklines in excel by following some few steps which are:
  • Select an empty cell or rows or column cell  in which you want to show the "Sparkline".
  • Click "Insert" tab. 
  • In the sparkline group, select the sparklines types.
  • A Dialogue box appears, asking for the data range.
  • Click on the icon Data Range and enter the range.
  • Now, click ok.
  • The chart will be shown in the spreadsheet.

  • if you want to show the sparklines in multiple cells, Select the Location range.
  • Click,ok

So, this was all about how to use Excel Sparklines. If you wish to make a sparklines chart that looks different than the simple chart, then after you create the sparklines chart , you can control which data values are points(such as high or low,first or Last and any negative data values). there are many options available .You can do Formatting, add markers, axis etc to enhance the sparklines. Excel sparklines chart allow creating sparklines in the type of Line,Column,Win/LossSo, we will discuss all types of charts and their formatting .

Types Of Sparklines

Line Chart

These Sparklines are displayed in the format of simple lines ,in this data points are connected with lines to see whether a increases or decreases over a time which is easy to read.The line in excel is used to display the trends over time. A line chart is a default option for sparklines,there is no need to specify this as it would be could change the sparklines color,markers colors,style of line.To create a line sparklines follow some steps:
  • Select the range of the input data,
  • Click on the insert tab.
  • Select line from the sparklines.
  • Select the data range where you want to insert the Line sparklines.
  • Click  Ok.

  • Highlight the highest point/low point in the chart.
  • Select any color /style from the drop-down list.
  • Get the result.

Column Chart

These sparklines are displayed in the column of bars.If the data which we will enter have a positive value then the bar column will be lying in the upper axis,or if the data consist of negative value then the column will lie below the axis and data have a zero value then column will not be displayed and empty space would be left at the data point and you can change the sparkline color ,style .To create a column sparklines follow some steps.
  • Select the range of an input data.
  • Click on the insert tab.
  • Select column from the sparklines.
  • Select the data range where you want to insert the column sparklines.
  • Click,Ok.
  • Select any color/style from the drop-down list.
  • Get the result.

Win/loss Sparklines:

These sparklines similar to the column but the difference is that these only represent profit/LossIt shows a positive or negative situation of data in a distinctive way. It is very easy to create.
To create a win/loss sparklines follow some steps:
  • Select the range of input data.
  • Click on the insert tab.
  • Select Win/Loss from the sparklines.
  • Select the data range where you want to insert the Win/Loss sparklines.
  • Click Ok.
  • Select the marker color, change the color of negative values.
  • Click on the negative point and select a color.
  • Get the Result.


Thus, in this post, we discussed How To Create a Sparklines In Excel. Sparklines are simpler  than Charts but not a versatile. Sparklines are the tiny graph that fit into the one cell and gives you the clear graphical presentation of the data. We hope you will like this article, if you like this article then you can share with your friends and colleagues. We will update the information on the regular basis. You can also share this post on social media websites like facebook, twitter, Instagram or other social media websites. If you have any doubt regarding this post you can freely write your query in a comment section. We will revert back to you as soon as possible.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Targeting Accounts - A Specialist’s Role

I attended a day long distributor planning session, a sales meeting that ended with a “round-robin” planning session.  Vendor salespeople and Distributor Specialists were assigned
tables around the perimeter of the meeting room.  Salespeople spent a few minutes at each table talking about existing opportunities and future targets.  After eavesdropping, I noticed salespeople discussing accounts where they felt additional actions could push the selling process forward. 

Soon after the meeting, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Salespeople knew their assigned accounts but didn’t fully understand the targeting process.  At the end of the day, nearly every salesperson listed the same three or four accounts as their targets – the same accounts and contacts were given for a diverse group of products and technologies.  Later, I asked a couple of salespeople and their managers to define “target” – the results were interesting:
·         “A target account is a new account”
·         “exploratory” 
·         a target should be “one of my top 5 accounts.”

All answers came from the same sales team, same management, attending the same meeting.

Vendor salespeople were no different.  When asked for a “target” for their new product line, one district manager rattled off:  Forest Products, Mining, Food Processing, and Automotive Industry.  Why was this particularly bothersome?  The nearest Forest and Mining businesses were thousands of miles away.   To a salesperson thinking about targets, this sends two messages, “My vendor doesn’t even know a target for my territory” and “this product may not deserve my selling time.” 

Proper targeting is the key to successfully launching new products.  Human nature drives a desire to produce fast results.  Dr. Robert Atkins, inventor of the Atkins Diet, stressed the need for an initial quick success in weight loss to drive future behavior over a long period of time.  Dr. Shinichi Suzuki discovered that children who experienced quick success in music were more likely to continue their
studies, even once practice became routine.  Specialists can drive a result by “stacking the deck” for early success.  This creates the initial one or two wins that build long term success.  Since you are responsible for getting the new products into your company’s sales pipeline, time invested early thinking about targets pays important dividends. 

For each new product answer the following questions:

Which customer types would best benefit from the product?
This should be answered in as specifically as possible.  A bad example would be General Motors – a good answer would be the painting department of a large metal assembly company (General Motors) where explosive paint fumes create the need for tools with special arc proof coating.  This opens the door to thoughts about a number of different companies where the environment is similar.  Vendor partners and nationally based organizations like to use SIC codes to make these decisions.  Unfortunately, the SIC registry is not an exact science.  I suggest you put your personal knowledge and your team’s knowledge, to work in developing a short list.

Who at these companies is most likely to understand the impact of the benefit?
Hopefully your salesperson has multiple account contacts.  Careful thought should be given to selecting the right contact.  If your product has a safety feature, showing it to a maintenance person may prove to be disastrous.  She may judge your product based on it being difficult to use rather than the importance of added safety.  This is as important as selecting the client company.

Do you (or the vendor salespeople) know of companies experiencing success in some other part of the country/territory?  What drove their success?
Nothing can jump start the success of a new product like an introduction to the local plant of a company that has already experienced success.  Before adding these people to your list, it is important to know a few details.  What were the situations leading to the use?  What went well?  What was learned?  How well has this been publicized to the company in general?   Make contact with the key decision maker at the remote location.  Call for these details to make the success story more valid for local users.

Once you have this information and the opportunity presents itself, Specialists can gain buy-in from the salesperson.  Discuss your ideas for quick successes.  Whenever possible, overlay your choices with her own top accounts.  It is easier to sell more to existing accounts.  When you are finished with the initial process you should have the following information:
  • Target Account names: No more than 6
  • The right contact: By name or Title
  • Proper collateral materials: Literature, demos, samples, joint call dates
  • A few specific bullet points to use in selling the product: Remember salespeople have dozens of accounts
  • A mutually agreed upon time frame for initial contact

Targets need to be revisited.  After the salesperson’s first
customer meeting, the Specialist can help fine tune the Targeting process by discussing the high and low points of the call.  If new collateral is needed, it can quickly be brokered to the salesperson.  If the demo didn’t go smoothly, a personal tutorial will rebuild confidence and drive better demos at the next Target.  If this meeting produces major discoveries, i.e. the competition has the same thing at 10% lower price, adjustments can be made for the entire sales organization. 

Targeting accelerates business growth, but is this worth the effort?  Here is a parting thought; new research indicates that organizations who are great at targeting are 47% more effective than those with average targeting skills.  Specialists are uniquely qualified to make an impact!  Good luck and happy targeting.