Monday 8 June 2015

Creating Testing Environment in Tableau server

Our current approach is to create multiple project names on the Production server (e.g. Test, Staging, Production).  As we proceed through the different workbook development phases (Test->Staging->Production), we name the workbook with a prefix of the project name (e.g. "Test-Workbook Name")...and when we get to Production, we just name the workbook as the "Workbook Name". 

The reason for having different names is that even though you can publish one workbook with the same name to multiple projects, the project is not like a folder on a file share.  Publishing under different projects seems to me to be just an attribute of the workbook name.  As a result, a change to the workbook and then publish just to one workbook under a project results in the views changing on the other workbooks (with the same name) that reside in other projects.

With having a unique name for all published workbooks means that they are not shared but treated as their own unique workbook.  As a result, I can publish a workbook to Production but work on new enhancements under the Test project and not affect the Production workbook until I publish and overwrite current version.

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